Our curriculum closely follows the aims of the National Curriculum for English and is supported by Hampshire. English and the teaching of English is embedded across the curriculum and our programme of study is organised carefully so that children can build on their skills and knowledge. English is taught daily in whole classes and each year group has a well-organised English curriculum using learning journeys that provide many purposeful opportunities for reading, writing and discussion. The journey uses high quality texts, extracts and unit drivers and is designed to show progress, teach the pertinent year group objectives, apply and consolidate these skills and develop vocabulary. It accommodates children’s very different learning styles within a common framework and allows for planning to be adapted to suit the varying needs of individual children. By following a clear pathway of progression, which focuses on our children’s ‘next steps’, a secure basis in literacy skills is achieved. In addition to daily English lessons our children benefit from a structured phonics programme from Year R to Year 2, spelling and guided reading sessions. Please see our phonics and early reading page for more details. We have a rich and well-stocked school library and a colour banded progressive reading scheme with phonetically decodable books which aim to build confidence and fluency in our younger readers. We provide inspiring opportunities through our World Book Day programme and visiting authors, allowing children to benefit from interacting with positive role models from the local and wider locality.
Children are given opportunities to explore a wide variety of forms and styles as well as having ample time to work on their writing – thus increasing their ability and stamina to manage extended texts. Quality WAGGOLS, shared writing and ‘in the moment’ modelled writing, from teachers and teaching assistants, is used to stimulate and generate ideas for children to explore as a means of communication. Feedback to children is prompt and they are encouraged to be reflective learners, aware of their goals and responsibilities as writers and how their writing, reading or communication choices might impact or influence others. Children are given different ways and means of composing and publishing writing, including digital and multi-modal texts, related to purpose and audience. Teachers are able to embed English skills by using cross curricular opportunities. Spelling and grammar, linked to language and form, is taught, modelled and explored as an integral part of our writing curriculum. Handwriting is taught through a consistent approach and pupils are encouraged to develop a legible, joined and fluent style which empowers them to write with speed, confidence and pride.