7:40am-8:40am Breakfast Club wraparound care
8:40am Doors open
8:45am Morning registration
10:30am-10:45am Morning break
11:45am-12:45pm Year R lunch break
12:00pm-1:00pm Years 1 and 2 lunch break
3:15pm End of the school day
3:15-6:00pm After School Club wraparound care
The length of our school day is 6 hours and 30 minutes (32.5 hours a week).
7:40am-8:40am Breakfast Club wraparound care
8:40am Doors open
8:45am Morning registration
10:30am-10:45am Morning break
11:45am-12:45pm Year R lunch break
12:00pm-1:00pm Years 1 and 2 lunch break
3:15pm End of the school day
3:15-6:00pm After School Club wraparound care
The length of our school day is 6 hours and 30 minutes (32.5 hours a week).