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Bidbury Infant School

Charging and remissions policies


Bidbury Infant School is committed to ensuring equal opportunities for all pupils, regardless of financial circumstances, and has established a charging and remissions policy and procedures to ensure that no child is discriminated against by our offering of school trips, activities and educational extras.


In addition, we are committed to adhering to legal requirements regarding charging for school activities, and meeting all statutory guidance provided by the DfE.  We promise:

  • Not to charge for education provided during school hours.
  • To inform parents/carers on low incomes and in receipt of relevant benefits of the support available to them when asking for contributions.


Through our policy, our school aims to: 

  • Have robust, clear processes in place for charging and remissions 
  • Clearly set out the types of activity that can be charged for and when charges will be made.
Charging and Remissions Policy - June 2024.pdf .pdf
Debt Recovery Policy - September 2024.pdf .pdf
Lettings Policy - July 2024.pdf .pdf