Welcome to

Bidbury Infant School

School policies cover every aspect of school life.  They are constantly updated and new ones added so over time this list will change.  Below are some of our most important policies for your reference.  If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.  Hard copies of all of our policies are available free of charge - please contact the school office and they will arrange this for you.

Admission Policy 2024-5.pdf .pdf
Admission Policy 2025-6.pdf .pdf
Anti-Bullying Policy - October 2022.pdf .pdf
Attendance Policy - July 2024.pdf .pdf
Behaviour for Learning Policy - February 2024.pdf .pdf
Charging and Remissions Policy - June 2024.pdf .pdf
Child Protection Policy - September 2024.pdf .pdf
Communication Policy - September 2024.pdf .pdf
Complaints Policy - June 2024.pdf .pdf
Data Protection Policy - July 2024.pdf .pdf
Debt Recovery Policy - September 2024.pdf .pdf
Educational Visits Policy - September 2024.pdf .pdf
Equalities Policy - November 2023.pdf .pdf
First Aid Policy - March 2024.pdf .pdf
Governors Allowances Policy - September 2024.pdf .pdf
Health and Safety Policy - April 2024.pdf .pdf
Lettings Policy - July 2024.pdf .pdf
Looked after children Policy - July 2024.pdf .pdf
Low Level Safeguarding Concerns Policy - July 2024.pdf .pdf
Pay Policy - September 2023.pdf .pdf
Performance Management Policy - October 2023.pdf .pdf
Procedure for Protected Disclosures - Whistleblowing - October 2023.pdf .pdf
Relationships and Health Education Policy - July 2024.pdf .pdf
Resolving Workplace Issues Policy - October 2023.pdf .pdf
Restrictive Physical Intervention Policy - September 2024.pdf .pdf
Safeguarding Policy - September 2024.pdf .pdf
Safer Recruitment Policy - October 2023.pdf .pdf
SEND information report - July 2024.pdf .pdf
SEND Policy - July 2024.pdf .pdf
Staff Code of Conduct - September 2024.pdf .pdf
Staff Induction Policy - September 2024.pdf .pdf
Staff Time Off Policy - July 2024.pdf .pdf
Staff Well Being and Stress Management Policy - October 2023.pdf .pdf
Suspensions and Exclusions Policy - July 2024.pdf .pdf
Uniform Policy - May 2024.pdf .pdf