Year 2
Friday 10th January 2025
This week in English we have been looking at capital letters and full stops. We have made sure that we can remember capital letters are for: names, places, days and months. We are working hard to remember what our capital letters look like and have been doing a lot of alphabet work to help with this.
This week in Maths we have started our unit on shape. We have named shapes, sorted shapes, counted the sides and counted the vertices. We loved our sessions this week. We loved getting hands on and talking about the properties of shape.
This week we started our dance unit in PE, we had a go at colour mixing in Art and we found out what debugging means in Computing. We’ve had a lovely first week back at school. The children have got stuck in and have shown great independence.
Next week in English we will be starting a new book called “My Small World” to link to our new Geography focus ‘Why is our world wonderful?’ We will be creating our own small world using a range of materials similar to those in the book. If you have any old, clean cereal boxes to send into school please do so before Wednesday 15th January.
Next week in Maths we will be continuing our shape unit. We will be moving onto looking at the symmetry of different shapes. We will then introduce 3D shapes – we will name them and look at their properties.
From next week, there is a change to our PE days. We will be doing PE on a Tuesday and a Thursday.
Friday 20th December 2024
This week we enjoyed a Christmas fun week! We started the week with performing our Christmas performance to our adults at the church! We loved watching Year R and Year 1's Christmas shows! We even joined in with some of the songs we knew.
We have been creating all sorts of Christmas crafts and Arts including calendars, cards, Christmas trees and Christmas board games! Look out for all of this in our bags!
We had a great time at our Christmas party on Thursday! We even made and ate our own wraps as part of our DT unit. The children worked hard to remembering the different food groups to include to make sure it was balanced.
Next term we will be looking at Schools in the Past in History, In Science we will be starting our Materials unit, in PSHE we will be talking about keeping safe and in Geography we are learning about our wonderful world.
Friday 13th December 2024
This week in English we finished writing our letters using important sentence skills we have learned during our learning journey. We worked hard to consistently use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
This week in Maths we have been using different methods to answer addition and subtraction number sentences. We have been using tens and ones practically and pictorially.
In RE we have been continuing our learning around celebrations. We looked at how Christians celebrate Christmas around the world. In Art we have been creating lots of Christmas art pieces!
Next week we will be enjoying our last week of school this year! We will be taking part in lots of Christmas activities. Don’t forget our Christmas performance and Carols by Candlelight!
Friday 6th December 2024
This week in English we have been looking at simple sentence writing to support our ability to consistently use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. From this, we’ve added conjunctions and adjectives. This week in Maths we have been exploring the terms ‘10 more’ and ‘10 less’ and applying this skill to different tasks and contexts. We had a go practically before applying our new learning to reasoning tasks.
In Computing we have been learning about algorithms, loops and debugging. Ask us what these words mean! We enjoyed applying these skills in a game called ‘Coding for Carrots’. An Google game available online. In DT we created our own balanced plates and balanced menus for a resturant using all of the different food groups. We had to make sure our plates were balanced to promote a healthy, balanced diet.
Next week we will be adding two digit numbers that doesn't cross 10 in Maths and in English we will be exploring the use of different adjectives to make our writing more exciting. In PE, we will be creating our own gymnastic sequences and in Science we will be finding out what animals live in different microhabitats.
Friday 8th November 2024
This week in English we have been thinking about... FIREWORKS! We created our own sparklers, described them using exciting words and then finally used our 5 senses to create an exciting poem to describe Bonfire Night! We performed them to our friends.
This week in Maths we have been continuing to develop our skills in adding numbers by making 10 using ten frames. We worked practically using counters to see the answer as well as recalling on our number bond knowledge to help us further.
This week we absolutely loved our Drama Workshop. We acted and moved our bodies around thinking about levels, the audience and facial expressions. Ask us all about it! The children were fantastic at sharing their ideas regarding climate change. Some of us even had our voice recorded for a real play! In PE, we started our two new units: gymnastics and sending and receiving (ball skills)
Next week in English we are going to be starting our new topic: The Great Fire of London! Our new focus text will be 'Vlad and the Great Fire of London'. We will be retelling the events through interviewing each other developing our oracy skills.
Next week in Maths we will be choosing our own preferred way of working out answers. Children will choose from our previous methods: dienes, tens frames, number lines and part-part-whole models to independently answer addition number sentences.
Next week in Geography we will be looking at British weather and in History we will be looking at the timeline of how we learnt to fly!
Friday 25th October 2024
This week in English we have been enjoying our school grounds and the changes that happen during autumn. We explored and collected a range of different items that we thought would be interesting to write about! We created a class word mat using exciting adjectives to describe a range of objects. We used our adjectives to then write sentences using prepositions (behind, next to, in front of) to further describe the objects.
This week in Maths we have been developing our addition and subtraction skills. We have had lots of practical sessions using ten frames to add numbers by making 10 first. This is built upon our previous learning of number bonds to 10. E.g. 8+4. 8+2=10 10+2=12. 8+4=12. See support video. Some children will be able to work the answers out with their fingers, it is important though for future learning that they understand the method above as we move onto bigger numbers later in the year.
This week in DT, we finished our ferris wheels! Thank you to you all for sending in your old recyclable items to help us make it happen. In Science, we explored food chains and now understand the terms producer, consumer, predator and prey. We enjoyed our autumn welly walk around the school grounds to help our English writing.
Next term in English, we will start by developing our understanding of technical skills. We will be working on a consistent use of capital letters and full stops. We will be securing our knowledge of what makes a good sentence and how we can improve it. In Maths, we will start by continuing our learning as mentioned above from this week. It would be great if you could explore the method in the video above to support your children with understanding and securing their knowledge of adding by making 10.
In Science, we will be finding out about microhabitats. In History, we will be continuing our unit How did we learn how to fly? and in Geography, we will continue our learning about hot and cold places around the world.
Friday 18th October 2024
This week in English we used our creative and innovation skills to innovate our English focus text ‘Pattan’s Pumpkin.’ We enjoyed choosing our own new characters, food and animals in our very own stories! We had lots of superheroes involved as well as ‘alien carrot seeds’ – we had such creative ideas!
This week in Maths we have been working on our addition and subtraction unit and finding out new facts about related number facts and number families. We are working a lot on ‘if I know 1+9=10, then I know that 1+19=20 then I know that 1+99=100.
This week we loved exploring the sports playground that has the exciting markings. We had races, played target games, got lost in the maze and balanced on the sensory circuit! Ask us about how much fun we had! In Design Technology, we started making our ferris wheels. Thank you for the resources you gave us for this! In PE, we learned a new skill! We can now dribble a ball with our hands. Ask us how we do it so well with great control!
Next week in English, we are continuing our innovation skills to continue writing our very own stories! We will be now introducing a problem in our story and working out how to help our character overcome the problem! In Maths, we will be looking at number facts in more detail and how we can use this knowledge to help us add numbers to make 10, using ten frames. It would be helpful for children to keep working on their number bonds to 10 and 20 to help their recall quicker and more accurate! In RE we will be looking at the harvest festival, what we are thankful for and who we are thankful for. We will also be finishing off our ferris wheels. We can’t wait to show you our final creations!
Friday 11th October 2024
This week in Year 2 has been great fun! In English, we are still using our focus book called Pattan's Pumpkin. We looked at possessive apostrophes to compare different items in the book. We are trying hard to remember where the apostrophe goes when it belongs to someone. In Maths, we started our addition and subtraction unit and we looked at using ten frames to work it out practically. We used our number bond knowledge to help us complete number families. In PE, we developed our throwing and catching skills. We focused on making sure we use two hands and watching the ball as it comes to us. We loved dressing up on Thursday! Everyone's outfits were great! In History we found out about the first moon landing! We asked questions about the past and investigated why the moon landing was significant. We had a super fun time at our African drumming workshop on Friday! We loved exploring different sounds and finding out about all the different instruments.
Next week in English, we will be using our innovation skills to create story maps with our own changes to the story of Pattan's Pumpkin. In Maths, we will be continuing our addition and subtraction unit and thinking about fact families and number bonds.
Friday 4th October 2024
What a busy week we've had in Year 2 this week! We've started a new English book called 'Pattan's Pumpkin.' We really enjoyed making predictions about what we thought the book would be about - we had some super imaginative ideas! We looked at the new vocabulary linked to the text and started to ask questions. We are trying hard to remember our question starter words and ending questions with a question mark. In Maths, we've been looking at the 2x, 10x and 5x times tables! We've used our knowledge of our times tables to fill in number tracks, hundred squares and answer problems. In Science, we've been researching different habitats on iPads to find out who lives there, what they eat and how they find shelter. In Art this week, we have been using our sketching skills to carefully sketch teddy bears. In Computing, we created our own inventions thinking about how they could have computers inside.
Next week in Science we will be finding out how living things depend on each other. In Geography, we will be comparing the UK to Kenya and in Music we will be performing call and response chants with instruments.
Friday 27th September 2024
We've had another fun-filled week this week! In English, we have continued our work on our English book Space Tortoise. We had a think about how we would feel if we were the main character, Space Tortoise, and we wrote our very own diary entries focusing on the past tense and use of exciting adjectives. When we had written our diary entries, we had a go at editing them to see if wecould add any more information or improve our choice of words.
In Maths, we have started to compare numbers. We looked at the greater than, less than and equal to symbols. (YouTube videos are great for embedding this knowledge!) - we used these symbols to compare the value of different numbers. Our teachers are very impressed at how confident we are with numbers!
PE was great fun - we have started to learn how to dribble a ball and stop a rolling ball using our feet. The children were calm and careful ensuring that they used soft touches and kept control of the ball. In Art, we used a range of different mark making to create different textures. We definitely have some artists in the making! In Science, we explored a range of habitats including ocean, rainforest, woodland and coast. BBC Bitesize KS1 is a great website for learning Science at home.
Friday 20th September 2024
We are really enjoying Year 2 and really pleased with how quickly the children are settling in! We are so proud of every single one of them! This week, we have been exploring our Space Tortoise English book and using a range of adjectives to describe how Space Tortoise feels at different parts in the story. We are enjoying exploring different feelings and expressing these through a range of sentence types and punctuation. In Maths, we have been partitioning two digit numbers in a range of ways. Please help us at home by helping us to learn our 10 times table (Youtube videos are great for this!). We have absolutely loved Computing this week - we discovered what inputs and outputs are and how technology is controlled. Design Technology was super fun - we designed our very own ferris wheels. We had to think about what resources we might need and how we could make our designs work.